You could transmit the a character code to the video display to generate an echo right after subtracting the a character code from a carriage return . 从“回车”字符减去A字符代码后,你便可以将A字符代码传送到荧光屏显示器,以便立即产生一个回波检验信号。
Video display : not included cybex trazer -影像显示:独立购置cybex trazer兼容一般
Dual basic colors of red and green media video display screen 双基色红绿多媒体视频显示屏
Output devices include video displays and sound synthesizers 输出设备包括显示器和音效合成器。
Video display system with video walls 供应放映系统连电视幕墙
Video display units , data transmis - sion 数据传输视频显示单位
Video display units , data transmis - sion 数据传输视频显示单位
The smallest display picture element on a video display screen 在显示屏上所显示图像的最小显示元素。
Three basic colors of red , green and blue media video display screen 全彩色红绿蓝多媒体视频显示屏
Airthmetic of video display on airborne radar in steady north direction 机载雷达正北稳定下视频显示算法